Monday, May 19, 2008

an ode to sweet tea

my dearest sweet tea,
your are so delicious.
now all i have to do is take a dollar to McDonalds to enjoy your sweet goodness.
served in a giant cup the size of my forearm, you refresh me for hours upon hours.
Sometimes you give me a tummy ache...but i still love you.
I remember how much fun we had in New Orleans.
I was tired and thirsty and you were, as always, delicious and incredible.
It was then that my eyes were opened and you shown in all your glory.
I'm so glad you came to California, Sweet Tea.
You never let me down.
Now my summer will be filled with refreshing sips and tummy aches induced by your incredibly sweet wonderfulness.
I will always look back on this summer fondly as the summer you rocked California and my heart.
Thank you, sweet tea.
Thank you.
