Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25 random things involving me and my intense love for food.

I've been thinking about 25 random things about myself.
But i thought I would do one that is more relevant to my blog.
so here are 25 random things about myself...and my love for food.

1. I love trying new food and will pretty much eat/try anything.

2. My parents used to get angry at my cousins and I because when they would have parties,
we would all hang around the appetizers all night.
I still do that but no one yells at me now.
I consider it one of the greatest parts about being an adult.

3. I've been a vegetarian since sophomore year of college.
I'm really proud of my decision and I only get more certain of my convictions as I grow older.

4. When people ask me if I miss meat I always say no.
But that's a lie.
I miss my moms chicken salad sometimes.
And sushi.
But not enough to eat either.

5. Last year I was obsessed with sweet tea.
I got burnt out real quick.
It's seriously sweet.

6. I love baking and I wish I was better than I am.
I make a huge mess and spend way too much money on it.
But I really love it.

7. I love La Note in Berkeley.
The coffee.
The pancakes.
The atmosphere.
The everything.
I feel at home when I'm there and would happily go everyday if it wasn't in FREAKIN BERKELEY.

8. I love recommending restaurants to people.
I get really nervous when I do.
But I love trying new places and then telling people about it.
It makes me feel smart for some reason which is weird.

9. I love spanish cheese.
But I'm dating a crazy sexy vegan and would gladly never eat any cheese again if it means getting to kiss that sweet veggie FACE of his!

10. I hate when people say that bread is bad for you.
I love bread.
I LOVE bread.
shut up you guys.
It's delicious.

11. I really think I would have enjoyed Africa more had the food of been better.
Sorry if that's rude.
Go eat nshima and then come talk to me.

12. Whenever I order something at a restaurant I always worry that it won't be big enough.
It stresses me out thinking I'll still be hungry after I eat.

13. I've decided I hate alcohol but I still like wine.
especially la crema.
with my mom.
but it makes me super sleepy.

14. I'm really cheap and suffer constantly from buyer's remorse.
But I never regret spending money on food.
I never even think about it.
I don't care if food is expensive.
I'll buy it.
I'll eat it.
I'll love it.

15. You couldn't pay me to eat a doughnut.
They make me feel disgusting.
I hate them.

16. Everything tastes better with frosting.

17. I love milkshakes and cupcakes.
But eating them makes me seriously tired.
I don't know why.
I need a nap after a cupcake or a milkshake.
This makes them the perfect road trip snack.
Assuming I'm not driving...otherwise it's a recipe for disaster.

18. I love cinnamon bears.
I love candy.
I don't eat it very often except when I'm in my car.
I hide candy in my car and then forget about it.
Until I'm stuck in traffic, then I find it and SNACK.
It's awesome.
I always take a few minutes to bask in my cleverness when I discover the candy.

19. I really love taco bell.
I think about it all the time.
I know it's disgusting and creepy.
But I still crave it.
A lot.

20. I hate ordering the worst thing on the menu.
It's not about pride.
It's more that I hate wasting a meal on something crappy.
I feel ripped off.

21. I love communion grape juice.
more than regular grape juice.
The blood of Christ is surprisingly delicious.

22. I would put tomatoes on everything if I could.
And avocados.
Avocados are amazing.
I don't know how.
They just are.

23. I love big salads.
Athen's burgers in Dublin makes a big salad.
I love it.
The bigger the salad the better.

24. That part in Willy Wonka (the orig...) where the kids
run in the factory and eat everything?
I can't even imagine.
I wish that was life.
I would eat balloons and daffodils and magic markers.
I want to go to there.

25. I hate diet stuff.
Fat free cookies?
Coffee with splenda?
skinny cow ice cream???
I would rather exercise for days and eat what I want then
eat diet crap.
